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prey upon造句

"prey upon"是什么意思  
  • Anger had preyed upon me continually for weeks .
  • Care preyed upon her health .
  • He saw that they sought to prey upon his riches and his youth .
  • It was from this lady, who was very free in her conversation, that huxter presently learnt what was the illness which was evidently preying upon little fan .
  • Our coasts were preyed upon by viking pirates
  • Our coasts were preyed upon by viking pirates
  • Stronger animals prey upon weaker ones
  • A poor water quality b unbalanced nutrition c lack of feed d shrimp being preyed upon while molting
  • Aids disproportionately affects women and preys upon the vulnerable and less fortunate
  • It is our mortal destiny , i suppose , to prey upon the ghastly subaqueous life of our fellow - men , in the submarine jungle of mankind
  • It's difficult to see prey upon in a sentence. 用prey upon造句挺难的
  • Commercial world is like battlefield , market competition is extreme cruel and very realistic as in nature , where strong animals prey upon weaker ones
  • It . stephen king . a creature which preys upon the weak , the vulnerable , the abandoned . a creature which becomes your worst nightmare
  • Jaguars are still hunted for their attractive fur . ranchers also kill them because the cats sometimes prey upon their livestock
  • When other predators such as the gray wolf prey upon large mammals , they generally take high proportions of each year ' s crop of young
  • " the juvenile green turtles , which are now bigger in size , are less likely to be preyed upon by predators and should have a higher survival rate in the wild , " he added
  • Idleness is justly said to be the rust of the mide and an idle brain is said to be satan ' s workshop . it is mostly when you do not know what to do with yourself that you do something ill or wrong . the mind of the idler preys upon itself
  • I reflected long , for a gnawing ambition had long preyed upon me , and then i replied , listen , - i have always heard of providence , and yet i have never seen him , or anything that resembles him , or which can make me believe that he exists
  • Monkey king incarnated into a gang leader , the joker . the two devils , spider woman and boney m were preying upon longevity monk s flesh and tempted monkey king . eventually , spider woman and monkey king fell in love and gave birth to a baby who got a pandora s box . . . .
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